Monday, October 16, 2006

Welcome to this Crazy World

I'm a couple of days late but CONGRATULATIONS to Lauren and Goot!!

Check out Brendan's new blog for more pictures and video. Gootman is doing a great job uploading images and keeping the posts updated. You can do some pretty cool stuff on these fancy thinking boxes. It's going to be great watching this little guy grow up.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Leif Erikson Day

This is Fat Baby Leg on one of those lame psuedo-talent shows called Star of Tomorrow. Every once in awhile you find some real talent like FBL. I first heard about this guy about a month ago on the Kidd Chris Show. Genius. Columbus Day is such a bogus "holiday."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Lazy and/or Uninspired

I still haven't decided which one it is for the lack of udates, but really, who cares?

In the meantime...

Read Matt's blog . He forms thoughts and sentences very well.

Also, read Goot's blog. It contains entertaining and useful information.
Take your Airborne. I took mine last week prior to goot's warning. It works.

One last thought for now:


I hate people who shoot up schools, especially Amish schools.
Each incident is equally tradgic, but the latest murders at the one room schoolhouse in Lancaster County, PA (ironically in a town called Paradise) made me physically sick. Who do the Amish ever bother? The pictures in the Delco Daily Times are heartbreaking. Two more girls who were in critical condition died today as a result of the shooting. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of all the victims.

If you're gonna kill yourself, kill yourself. Stop taking innocent lives with you. Everybody is depressed or angry about something. I wish these crybabies were still alive so i could punch them in their weak-willed faces.